How to find archived emails in Gmail, and how to add emails to archive

We receive thousands of emails every day, out of which, only a few are important, while others are crap. However, sometimes we get some emails that don’t belong to either category. Say, for example, an email from the credit card company about a transaction we did, which can sometimes be useful, if we want a refund. 

It can also be an email, which we aren’t sure about that may or may not be important later. So, it is better to not delete those messages but keep them somewhere else, so that we don’t overlook the important ones. So, today I will talk about, how to archive emails in Gmail, and also how to see archived emails in Gmail.

So, without any further delay, let’s get started with how to see archived emails in Gmail.

How to find archived emails in Gmail on pc?

Before knowing how do you retrieve archived emails in Gmail on a PC web browser, you should first know, how to archive emails on Gmail.

To archive emails on Gmail on a web browser, simply right-click on the preferred email, and click on ‘Archive’. Alternatively, after selecting multiple emails, you can also click on the ‘Archive’ icon, just above the list of emails.

Now, let’s find out how to find archived emails in Gmail on pc. To do that, simply click on ‘All Mail’ on the left side of the Gmail web UI, where you can access the inbox, sent mails, drafts, etc.

Here, you can find all the emails in one place, which should also include the archived emails.

If you are on your PC, you should also know, how to move archived emails to inbox in Gmail. In order to do that, identify the archived emails among all the emails, right-click on the email, and click on ‘Move to inbox’. You can alternatively select multiple emails and click on the ‘Move to inbox’ icon just above the list of emails.

How to see archived emails in the Gmail app?

Before you know how to retrieve archived emails in Gmail on Android, you should know how to archive them. In the Gmail Android app, it is simple. If you haven’t changed the swipe gestures on Android, simply swipe left or right across the selected email, and that will instantly be archived. Alternatively, you can also select multiple emails, and tap on the archive button as shown in the screenshot below.

Coming to how to find archived emails in Gmail on Android, it is the same as that in the case of Gmail web. Just open ‘All mail’ from the hamburger menu, and you should find the archived emails here.

Now you know, how to find archived emails in Gmail on a phone. Now, to get them back to the inbox, select one or multiple mails, from within ‘All mail’, tap on the triple-dot icon, and finally tap on ‘Move to Inbox

Now you know, how to find archived emails in Gmail, and also, how do you retrieve archived emails on both PC and Android.

It is also important to know, how to undo archived emails in Gmail. You can undo the activity, within the next 5 to 8 seconds after you archive an email. Just click on the ‘Undo’ button, which will appear both on Android and the web, right after you archive an email.

How long do archived emails stay in Gmail?

As you are archiving the emails, they aren’t deleted automatically. You can either delete the archived emails manually or bring them back to the inbox. Unlike deleted messages, the archived emails will stay unless you take any further decisions.

By archiving the emails, you are simply removing the emails away from the inbox to have a clearer view of the emails that really matter to you, and are important.

So, that was all about, how you can archive email on Gmail, and also how to find archived emails on Gmail. Do you have any questions? Feel free to comment on the same below.
